Our staff play an important role in creating the vibrant community that inspires our students.


Join PLC Sydney

PLC Sydney is an inspiring place to work. Our talented and dedicated staff are the heart of everything our school does and everything it has achieved.

We are passionate about education and strive to achieve excellence in all that we do. Staff have an important role in creating a vibrant community that inspires our students, and we aim to attract people with vision and drive. We value cultural diversity, with our staff coming from all backgrounds and faiths. 

Employment Opportunities

As positions become available, they will be listed below. Click on the vacancy for details and to apply via the Recruitpack portal.

Before you proceed with your online application, please make sure you have the following documentation ready.

  • Cover Letter
  • Working with Children Check Clearance Number and your date of birth.

Once the position has closed and all applications have been processed and reviewed, we will notify the candidates required for interview. 

Current Positions Available

For a full job description and to apply online, please click on the 'Apply Now' button next to the position listing below.

Apply Now BASKETBALL REFEREESCasual positions
Apply Now BUS DRIVERCasual position available
Apply Now CASUAL STAFF - PRESCHOOLEarly Childhood Educators and Teachers
Apply Now CASUAL TEACHERSSecondary
Apply Now EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATORFull-time, temporary position (Maternity cover)
Apply Now NETBALL COACHESCasual positions
Apply Now NETBALL UMPIRESCasual positions
Apply Now UNSOLICITED APPLICATIONSFor both Academic and Non-Academic postions

Your Personal Information

Please note that all information you submit is subject to the College's Employment Privacy Protocols. For more information, please click here to review our Privacy Policy about how the College uses your personal information below.


For further information about employment opportunities at PLC Sydney, please contact: