26 Mar 2025
Dr Burgis is a strong believer that an education should have both depth and rigour as well as breadth and engagement.
PhD (UNSW), MEd, BEd, Dip Tch (Eng/His-sec), Dip Div/Miss
Dr Paul Burgis has been the Principal of the Presbyterian Ladies College, Sydney since 2011. Previous to his appointment at PLC Sydney, Dr Burgis was Principal of Inaburra School, Menai (2006-2010).
Paul’s previous appointments include Program Director for the Master of Arts in Education and Principal Lecturer in Education at the University of Lancaster UK; Deputy Principal, Hillcrest College, Qld; Head of History at Eaglesvale School, Harare, Zimbabwe. His background is as an English and History teacher and he has taught or researched education in New South Wales, Queensland, Zimbabwe, Fiji, UK and the Philippines.
His area of PhD research was the development of student knowledge, attitudes and values regarding poverty from the close of primary school to the close of secondary school in Australian, Filipino and Zimbabwean schools. It was undertaken with the University of New South Wales.
Dr Burgis has overseen many significant changes to the College since he started in 2011 including the redevelopment of both Junior Schools; Evandale (Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2) and Hamilton (Years 3–6); the development of the "Learning Virtues" (Inquiry and Discipline; Courage and Purpose; Respect and Integrity), the initiative to undertake Cambridge IGCSE and 'A' level courses, implementing PLC Sydney’s parent portal and the renewed emphasis on STEM courses and service learning. The College has grown from 1175 to over 1400 students under his leadership.
Paul is married and has three daughters and lives in the local area. In his leisure time he enjoys reading history, theology, philosophy and poetry, supporting the Cronulla Sharks and wild bird photography. He worships with his family at Drummoyne.
At PLC Sydney, we have a dedicated and passionate team of teaching professionals and support staff led by our Executive Team.
We value what each individual and the collective bring to the school.
The College Council is responsible for the overall governance of the College and setting the strategic direction to ensure the College continues its long standing tradition of academic excellence.
Comprised of approximately 15 members, the College Council is a combined council for both PLC Sydney and PLC Armidale. Council members are drawn from the College community and beyond and offer a wealth of skills, qualifications and expertise to the College.
The College Council is responsible for the overall governance of the College and setting the strategic direction to ensure the College continues its long standing tradition of academic excellence.
Comprised of approximately 15 members, the College Council is a combined council for both PLC Sydney and PLC Armidale. Council members are drawn from the College community and beyond and offer a wealth of skills, qualifications and expertise to the College.
Mrs Leah Russell is PLC Sydney's 11th Chairperson and the first woman elected. She is an Audit Partner with BDO. Previously she was a Partner of Crowe Horwath – a part of Findex. She has been a partner for over 12 years, and is responsible for audits of not for profits through to listed entities. Other roles that Mrs Russell has undertaken include being a Trustee of the NSW Presbyterian Property Trust, and three years as a College Council member for The Scots College.
Deputy Chairperson
Chairman of the Trustees is also an officio member of the College Council
The Principal, Dr Paul Burgis is responsible for the administration of PLC Sydney. He is assisted in the governance of the College by the College Council and in the organisation and management of the School by the Executive Committee:
Our experienced Heads of Year and Stage Coordinators, provide our students with the day-to-day opportunities for care and support and are the first port of call for parental concerns or information regarding pastoral or academic matters. They have overall responsibility for the students in their year group, creating a sense of community and belonging for the girls.
Heads of Faculty are responsible for their learning areas and manage the academic program and curriculum development within their faculty across the Senior School.