Our squads are delivered by senior industry professionals dedicated to helping you become the best aquatic athlete you can be.

Our Squads cater for all types of swimmers, those who wish to improve and compete, as well as those who want to swim for general fitness and fun.

There are a number of squads available to swimmers.

  • Mini Squad (A & B levels): Developing strokes and confidence. Focus is on building skills and techniques. 
  • Development: Developing all 4 strokes. Focus is on skills and technique and a minimum of 2 training sessions per week are required.
  • Target: Swimmers attend at least 3 sessions per week and strong in all 4 strokes. They are encouraged to join PLC Sydney Swim Club
  • Junior Advanced: Competitive swimmers attending at least 3-4 sessions per week and a member of PLC Sydney Swim Club.
  • Senior Fitness: Fitness in a non-competitive environment across a range of abilities
  • Advanced: Seasonal plans developed to support growing athletes learning the essentials of event preparation and race planning, whilst improving stroke efficiency. Ages 12-15 years, attending 6+ sessions weekly.
  • Performance: Race planning & preparation for Championship events for ages 14 years and over attending 6+ sessions weekly.

Our pathways reflect the competition structure developed by Swimming Australia and Swimming NSW. The National & the NSW pathways are strongly supported by training models primarily focussed on the needs of developing swimmers with the aim of creating long term growth.

Please find below PLC Sydney Swim Squads Summer Timetable for 2024 - 2025

Click here to view

Swim Squad training 24-25.png

Please find below PLC Sydney Swim Squad Summer Training Timetable for the upcoming school holidays.

Summer Holiday Program Dec 24-25.png

Please enrol and make your payment below.


For more information on our Squad Program, please contact:

Brett Winkworth
Director of Aquatics and Head Swimming Coach
T: (+612) 9704 5739
E: bwinkworth@plc.nsw.edu.au