11 Mar 2025
We are a non-selective, independent school for girls from Pre-K to Year 12, with Boarding available from Year 7.
Girls can be enrolled in any year group at PLC Sydney, subject to availability, however the main intake years are Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Years 3, 5, 7 and 11.
Please note that the College is currently experiencing high demand across future year groups and is heavily subscribed. We encourage early application to avoid disappointment as priority is given by the date of application.
PLC Sydney welcomes all applications, placing them in received order for each year group.
To find out more about our enrolments process, please click on the steps below.
Parents submit an Application for Enrolment along with required documentation ie Birth certificate and payment of a non-refundable Application Fee (currently $440), to register their daughter for their requested year.
Parents are welcome to book a private tour or attend a Prospective Parent information Session either before or after lodging an application.
Those registered are sorted according to date of application. Girls with a strong ex-student connection and current family connection are given priority.
Two years prior to commencement, interviews with our Principal (or Head of Junior School) are held according to our priority list and places are offered.
Upon receiving the offer of a place at PLC Sydney, parents accept by completing the Enrolment Agreement and submitting that along with their non-refundable Enrolment Fee (currently $3,175)
All students enrolled to commence in Pre-Kindergarten to Year 7 will be invited to attend an Orientation Day in the year prior to commencement. All other new students will have the opportunity to meet staff and student buddies on the day before the year commences.