11 Mar 2025
If you're an international student or applying on behalf of one, while overseas, that's wonderful!
PLC Sydney is one of Australia’s oldest and most respected schools for girls from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12, with Boarding available from Year 7.
We're so pleased you've considered PLC Sydney and want to become part of the PLC Sydney family. There are 5 steps in the Enrolment Process—Application, Wait List, Interview and Conditional Offer, Acceptance of Offer and Commencement—which are listed below. Please take time to familiarise yourself with the steps, so you can proceed confidently.
Parents submit an Application for Enrolment along with required documentation ie Birth certificate and payment of a non-refundable Application Fee (currently $440), to register their daughter on the 'Waitlist' for their requested year.
NB You may choose to use one of our approved international agents. Click here to view the full list of our approved international agents.
Please note: ALL international students are required to provide a copy of their:
NB: Applicants MUST sit the Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS) test and submit their AEAS test results along with their application to PLC Sydney, prior to or at application for Years 7 to 11.
Once the completed Enrolment Application Form, supporting documentation and the Application Fee have been received and processed, you will be notified that your daughter has been registered on a waitlist for the year requested. Please note, this does not guarantee a place for your daughter.
You will be invited to attend an interview with our Principal (or Head of Junior School), dependent on the registration list and availability of places.
Your daughter may be offered a place, or be given a conditional letter of offer. The conditional letter of offer will state the conditions that must be reached prior to entry. These may include a period of time at an ELICOS College and the required ESL levels for commencement.
Upon receiving the offer of a place at PLC Sydney, parents accept by completing the Enrolment Agreement and submitting that along with their non-refundable Enrolment Fee (currently $3,175).
NB:If a student is to apply for a Visa 500, then the offer letter will also request a semester's tuition fees in advance, and if boarding, a term's boarding fee in advance. Once the Enrolment Agreement has been signed and received along with the requested fees, the College will organise to issue the student's CoE and CAAW, if relevant, for Visa application.
All students enrolled to commence in Pre-Kindergarten to Year 7 will be invited to attend an Orientation Day in the year prior to commencement. All other new students will have the opportunity to meet staff and student buddies on the day before the year commences.