...enhance your daughter’s education

Scholarships for entry into 2026 are now closed

PLC Sydney has a proud 137-year history of providing educational opportunities and financial assistance to students and families.

The College offers a variety of scholarships and bursaries each year, covering full or part tuition, to outstanding new and current students so that they can benefit from the best possible education the school has to offer, while further developing their own unique talents. 

Please note: Scholarships are open to Australian Permanent Residents ONLY. You will be required to provide documentation supporting your Australian residency and birth certificate.

Some of our scholarships are means-tested. As part of the application, we will ask both parents to provide their last two notices of assessment so we may determine household income. Scholarships at PLC Sydney are awarded on a merit-based framework yet we will also strive to assist girls from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

Find out how you can enhance your daughter’s education by one of the following scholarships or bursaries:


Year 7 Academic Scholarships for entry in 2026 are open to new applicants and existing PLC Sydney students.

Please note: Scholarships are open to Australian Permanent Residents ONLY. You will be required to provide documentation supporting your Australian residency.

This scholarship entitles the holder to the remission of tuition fees only (part or full) for six years from Years 7-12. Scholarships do not cover textbooks, uniforms, excursions, technology fees, individual subject fees or boarding fees.

All applicants must register to sit the ACER examination on Saturday 15 February 2025.

If a scholarship is offered, written acceptance of the scholarship must be accompanied by a completed PLC Sydney Enrolment Application, together with payment of the non-refundable registration fee of $440 and the non-refundable PLC Sydney Enrolment Fee of $3 175 (if the applicant is new to the College).

Once scholarships have been awarded all applicants will be notified.


  • Wednesday 5 February 2025 - ACER online registrations close
  • Wednesday 5 February 2025 at midnight - PLC Sydney Academic Scholarship applications (including supporting documentation) close
  • Week commencing 10 February 2025 - applicants will be sent an email confirming the details for the test day
  • Saturday 15 February 2025 - Sit the ACER Scholarship Examination
  • Towards End Term 1 2025 - Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview time and date


Complete the PLC Sydney Scholarship application form and attach the applicant’s most recent School Report, Year 5 NAPLAN results, Birth Certificate/Australian residency documents and any other documents that support her academic achievements

  • Complete the ACER online registration for PLC Sydney
  • Please ensure you submit both the PLC Sydney Scholarship Application and the ACER Online Registration.
  • To complete your ACER scholarship registration,please click here.
  • For more information about ACER scholarship examinations, please click here to visit the ACER website.


If you have any questions or would like more information about the Year 7 Academic Scholarship, please contact:

Ms Stephanie Cannon
E: scannon@plc.nsw.edu.au

Scholarship applications are now closed


The Year 7 Music Scholarship for entry in 2026 are open to new and current PLC Sydney students.

Please note: Scholarships are open to Australian Permanent Residents ONLY. You will be required to provide documentation supporting your Australian residency.

The PLC Sydney Music scholarships are awarded to outstanding musicians.

This scholarship entitles the holder to the remission of tuition fees only (part or full) for six years from Years 7-12. Scholarships do not cover textbooks, uniforms, excursions, technology fees, individual subject fees or boarding fees.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an audition in early March. Following the audition, a select number of applicants may be invited for an interview with the Principal in Term 1 2025.

If a scholarship is offered, written acceptance of the scholarship must be accompanied by a completed PLC Sydney Enrolment Agreement, along with payment of the non-refundable registration fee of $440 and the non-refundable PLC Sydney Enrolment Fee of $3 175 (for external applicants only).

Once scholarships have been awarded all applicants will be notified.


To be eligible, a minimum AMEB grade, or equivalent is required on one of the following instruments:

  • Strings - Violin Grade VII, Viola or Cello Grade VI, Double Bass Grade III
  • Brass/Woodwind - Bassoon, Oboe, French Horn, Euphonium or Tuba, Grade III
  • All other Brass/Woodwind instruments - Orchestral Percussion, Trumpet or Trombone Grade IV, Saxophone, Clarinet or Flute V
  • Piano - Grade VIII. Applicants on piano must play a second orchestral instrument. Applicants must play one piece on piano, and one piece on their second instrument in their audition.

Please note: applicants will not be considered for Harp and Voice as first instruments.


PLC Sydney Music scholars are assessed continuously throughout the year and are expected to participate fully in the Music program offered at PLC Sydney.

Students who gain a scholarship are required to:

  • Participate in the full music program offered at PLC Sydney.
  • Participate in at least two ensembles at the College and to commit to all required performances for these ensembles throughout the year.
  • Mentor other students and show leadership and initiative.
  • Fully participate in the Elective Music Program from Years 9-12.
  • Music Scholars are also required to perform regularly, both solo and ensemble, in concerts out of school hours.
  • Selected scholars may be invited to join a Chamber Music Ensemble.


  • Wednesday 5 February 2025 at midnight - PLC Sydney Academic Scholarship applications (including supporting documentation) close
  • During Term 1 2025 - Shortlisted candidates are contacted for audition times and dates in early March 2025.
  • Towards End Term 1 2025 - Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview with the Principal


Applicants must complete the PLC Sydney Scholarship application form (both academic and music forms) and attach the applicant’s most recent School Report, Year 5 NAPLAN results, Birth Certificate/Australian residency documents and any other documents that support her music and academic achievements.


Only shortlisted candidates are required to audition. Students are required to:

  • Perform two contrasting pieces on their chosen instrument. If a candidate is auditioning on a second instrument they are required to play one piece on both their first and second instruments. NB Voice, Organ and Harp may be used as a second instrument.
    NB If a candidate is auditioning on a second instrument they are required to play one piece on both their first and second instruments.
  • Sight read music on chosen instrument.
  • Sing a small folk song or short song unaccompanied.


If an accompanist is required for your performance, you may use the College’s accompanist or organise your own. The College accompanist can be booked by calling +612 9704 5651 and there is a $20 fee which includes a rehearsal and the audition. Music must be emailed to:

Ms Jodi McCarthy
E: jmccarthy@plc.nsw.edu.au
as soon as the Accompanist is booked.


For more information regarding the Year 7 Music Scholarship please contact:

Mrs Rebecca Sharpe
E: rsharpe@plc.nsw.edu.au

Scholarship applications are now closed

This scholarship is awarded to new applicants entering in Years 8, 9, 10 or 11.To be eligible, a minimum AMEB grade, or equivalent is required on one of the following instruments:

  • Strings - Violin Grade VIII, Viola or Cello Grade VII, Double Bass Grade V
  • Brass/Woodwind - Bassoon, Oboe, French Horn, Euphonium or Tuba, Grade V
  • All other Brass/Woodwind instruments - Add Orchestral percussion, Trumpet or Trombone Grade VI, Saxophone, Clarinet or Flute Grade VII

NB. This scholarship entitles the holder to the remission of tuition fees only (part or full) for up to five years from Years 8–11. Scholarships do not cover textbooks, uniforms, excursions, technology fees, individual subject fees or boarding fees.

Closing Date for 2026 Applications: Midnight, Wednesday 5 February 2025

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an audition in early March. Following the audition, a select number of applicants may be invited for an interview with the Principal in Term 1 2024.


Only shortlisted candidates are required to audition. Students are required to:

  • Perform two contrasting pieces on their chosen instrument.If a candidate is auditioning on a second instrument they are required to play one piece on both their first and second instruments. NB Voice, Organ and Harp may be used as a second instrument.
Scholarship applications are now closed

This scholarship is open to one new applicant per year (not current PLC Sydney students). It is awarded on the basis of proven academic achievement in Years 9 and 10 as shown in school reports and supporting documentation.

Please note: Scholarships are open to Australian Permanent Residents only.  You will be required to provide documentation supporting your Australian residency.

NB. This scholarship entitles the holder to the remission of tuition fees only (part or full) for two years from Years 11 and 12. Scholarships do not cover textbooks, uniforms, excursions, technology fees, individual subject fees or boarding fees.

Closing Date for 2026 Applications: Midnight, Wednesday 5 February 2025

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview with the Principal in Term 1 2025.

Scholarship Applications are now closed

PLC Sydney acknowledges that our school community is situated on Wangal land and in this, we are committed to continuing to participate in the rich history of these lands. For over 50 years, part of embracing this commitment has involved offering educational opportunities for Indigenous students. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students are encouraged to apply for one of two scholarships offered to students seeking to attend PLC Sydney.

PLC Sydney has a proud history of offering educational opportunities for Indigenous students that span over 50 years. Indigenous students are encouraged to apply for the following scholarship offered to students seeking to attend PLC Sydney.

AIEF Scholarship for Boarders: PLC Sydney, in partnership with the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF), offers scholarships to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students (new applicants only) in boarding from Year 7 through to Year 12. Applicants must submit both a PLC Sydney Scholarship Application Form and an AIEF Scholarship Application Form. Applications are means-tested.

For more information about AIEF scholarships, please visit the AIEF website.

  • Monday 28 October 2024: Indigenous Scholarships open
  • Midnight, Friday 16 May 2025: Closing Date for 2026 Applications
  • End of Term 2, 2025: Applicants will be contacted towards the end of Term 2, to schedule forthcoming interviews in Term 3.
  • Term 3, 2025: The first-round of interviews take place with the Deputy Principal and Indigenous Students Support Coordinator.
  • Term 1, 2026: Successful students will commence at PLC Sydney
    For AIEF students, ABSTUDY support must be formalised and confirmed with Centrelink BEFORE the commencement of studies.

To apply for the AIEF Scholarship for Boarders, please click below:


If you require any further details about either Indigenous Scholarship, please contact:

Mrs Rebecca Sharpe
Enrolments Team
T: (+612) 9407 5695
E: enrol@plc.nsw,edu.au

AIEF Scholarship for Boarders: PLC Sydney, in partnership with the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF), offers scholarships to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students (new applicants only) in boarding from Year 7 through to Year 12.

For more information about AIEF scholarships, please visit the AIEF website.

NB. The AIEF Scholarship covers full tuition fees and boarding only for up to six years (from Years 7–12). This includes additional resources up to $3,500/annum: textbooks, uniforms, excursions, technology fees and individual subject fees. NB It does not cover PLC Sydney’s Application Fee of $440 or ESU Membership of $200, both charged at enrolment confirmation.

Monday 28 October 2024: Indigenous Scholarships open.

Midnight, Friday 16 May 2025: Closing Date for 2026 Applications

  • Applicants must submit both a PLC Sydney Scholarship Application Form and
  • An AIEF Scholarship Application Form. Applications are means-tested.
Click here to apply

The Principal’s Scholarship of Excellence is open to new applicants and current PLC Sydney students who are entering Years 7-9 in 2026. It is awarded to up to two applicants per year. To be eligible students need to be:

  • academically capable
  • brilliant on the sporting field or in a cultural pursuit
  • willing to contribute to the College community and broad goals of PLC Sydney

Please note: Scholarships are open to Australian Permanent Residents only. You will be required to provide documentation supporting your Australian residency.

This scholarship can only be applied for ONCE. Once you have applied, you cannot apply again in subsequent years.  

NB. The scholarship covers full or part tuition fees only for up to six years (from Years 7–12). The scholarship does not cover textbooks, uniforms, excursions, technology fees, individual subject fees or boarding fees.

Closing Date for 2026 Applications: Midnight, Wednesday 5 February 2025

Scholarship applications are now closed

The Boarding Bursary is open to new applicants in Years 7–12 only (not current PLC Sydney students). It is awarded to up to two applicants per year and covers full or part boarding fees only for up to six years (from Years 7–12). The Boarding Bursary is means-tested.

NB The bursary covers full or part boarding fees only for up to six years (from Years 7–12). The bursary does not cover textbooks, uniforms, excursions, technology fees, individual subject fees or tuition fees.

Please note you must fill in the PLC Sydney Scholarship application form to apply. All means-tested bursaries will require you to complete an Asset Form. To do that, you will need to provide both parents/guardian's latest tax return or a combined tax return, if applicable, and a third party statement, possibly from an accountant, that attests to the financial circumstances of the applicant's family.

Closing Date for 2026 Applications: Midnight, Wednesday 5 February 2025

Scholarship applications are now closed

The Foundation Bursary is only open to new applicants in Years 7–12 (not current PLC Sydney students). It is awarded to one applicant per year and covers full or part tuition fees only for up to six years (from Years 7–12). The Foundation Bursary is means-tested.

NB The bursary covers full or part tuition fees only for up to six years (from Years 7–12). The bursary does not cover textbooks, uniforms, excursions, technology fees, individual subject fees or boarding fees.

Please note you must fill in the PLC Sydney Scholarship application form to apply. All means-tested bursaries will require you to complete an Asset Form. To do that, you will need to provide both parents/guardian's latest tax return or a combined tax return, if applicable, and a third party statement, possibly from an accountant, that attests to the financial circumstances of the applicant's family.

Closing Date for 2026 Applications: Midnight, Wednesday 5 February 2025

Scholarship applications are now closed

Scholarship Enquiries