Principal's Receptions: Save the Dates 2024

Principal's Receptions: Save the Dates 2024

Sunday 15 Sept. 2024 - Friday 20 Sept. 2024
09:00AM - 08:00PM
To find out more: All welcome!

We are excited to announce that Dr Burgis will visit Vietnam and Hong Kong later this year.  Please save the following dates.

Save the Date: Principal's Receptions

Dr Paul Burgis, Principal of Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Sydney warmly invites you to save the date for PLC Sydney’s 2024 international reception series in Hanoi, Vietnam and Hong Kong. 

These events will occur in the early evening, and further details will be provided closer to the events. 

  • Sunday 15 September: Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Friday 20 September: Hong Kong

Attending staff include:

  • DR PAUL BURGIS, Principal 
  • MRS CATHERINE MARVELL, Director of Enrolments
  • MRS PHILIPPA ZINGALES, Director of Alumni & Community Relations
  • MRS ELLEN EHRHARDT-SMITH, Coordinator of Overseas Students

Ex-students, current and past families, and new families interested in learning more about PLC Sydney are very welcome.

For more details, please contact Mrs Ellen Ehrhardt-Smith, Coordinator of Overseas Students