Lily alongside fellow Year 12 Drama students in their HSC Drama Group Performance, Hysteria, created and performed by Stephanie Eldridge, Ava Hanmer, Georgia Macdessi, Lily and Anastasia Vasilaris. Hysteria was selected for OnStage in 2023.

Service Learning Captain

Top Achievers in Course - Drama - 4th

All -Round Achievers List (ATARs over 99)

Selected for OnSTAGE Group Performance

What is your fondest memory of your time at PLC Sydney?

My fondest memory of my time at PLC was performing in Black Comedy in 2020 playing the character of Carol Melkett. I found that this production gave me confidence in all aspects of my school life and it was such a joy to perform on the stage. Being part of a small cast was such an incredibly special experience as I formed strong connections with girls in many different years.

There have been so many fundamental parts of PLC that have contributed to my success this year. The amazing teachers who have encouraged and mentored me throughout the journey, never failing to provide a welcoming classroom atmosphere in which to learn, inquire and question. Balance in my school life has also been vital, finding equilibria between working hard, but also playing sport, pursuing creative outlets and spending time with friends and family has enabled me to thrive.


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