11 Mar 2025
The well-being of our students is at the heart of everything we do. We devote time and commitment to providing the very best care possible to each and every student.
Every teacher is responsible for instilling in students our Learning Virtues—courage, purpose, inquiry, discipline, respect and integrity.
Our well-being program recognises and celebrates our students' individuality, providing an environment where students feel safe to push their boundaries and challenge themselves. We are here to guide and support them on their journey.
In the Junior School our programs help the girls with strategies for positive interactions with others, learning to be healthy, happy and engaged. Our teachers ensure all our students feel secure, relaxed and nurtured at school, listening and responding to their individual needs. Our Junior girls have a strong sense of belonging.
In the Senior School our dedicated well-being team is led by our Deputy Principal, Mrs Linda Chiba and supported by our experienced Head of Positive Student Care and Engagement, Director of Boarding, Home Room Teachers, Chaplains, Counsellors and our College Nurse. Core members of this team are based in our student well-being hub within the Stables and are always available for students to come and talk to throughout the day.
Throughout the senior years, homeroom teachers are the students’ champions for well-being, although every teacher is responsible for instilling in students our Learning Virtues—courage, purpose, inquiry, discipline, respect and integrity. Heads of Year have overall responsibility for the students in their year group, creating a sense of community and belonging for the girls. Our 'Respect for Others' document is our guide.
...students thrive in a supportive environment which nurtures their mental, physical, social, emotional and spiritual well-being...
The teacher-student relationship is key to enabling all students feel valued and cared for so that they can reach out for support when needed.
Trust is earned through good communication, connections and positive relationships.
Through our House system, Service Learning and Leadership programs, our girls cultivate values such as teamwork, participation, collaboration, commitment and compassion, which not only build self-esteem, but are important contributors to their well being.
Every member of staff plays a role in supporting our girls and helping them thrive. At PLC Sydney, every teacher is a teacher of well-being.
The House system provides a sense of belonging for each girl, a wonderful peer support network and joyfulness of spirit and is an important part of our well-being Program. It also contributes to the strong sense of community that exists at PLC Sydney as students stay within their Houses from Pre-K to Year 12.
Our six Houses, named after women and men who have made outstanding contributions to the life of the College, not only generate school spirit and sporting enthusiasm, but they encourage participation and provide leadership opportunities. The girls engage in lots of fun House competitions throughout the year, including Inter-House Sports Carnivals and House Choir Night, which contribute to the highly sought after House Trophy, awarded to the winning House at Speech Day.
Service learning is integral to the Christian faith of our College and an important contributor to our girls well being. It promotes kindness and consideration for others.
At PLC Sydney, every year group, from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12, focuses on one or more projects or charities, learning about the needs of the community involved and organising fundraising activities and initiatives.
Helping others not only makes us feel good, it is great for our mental and emotional well-being, and our self-esteem.