Starting strong at boarding school: tips for success

Starting a new year at boarding school is always a big shift with plenty of excitement and a bit of anxiety mixed in. Follow these tips to ensure you start the year on the right foot and make the most of your time in boarding.

Dive into activities and social events: Immerse yourself in activities, social events, and extracurriculars that you enjoy. Not only is this a great way to get back into the rhythm of school, but it also keeps you busy and happy while adjusting to being away from home. Participating in these activities allows you to form bonds with fellow boarders and create a sense of community.

Communicate with your roommate: Communication is crucial in getting the most out of your boarding experience. Everyone has different ways of unwinding—while you might enjoy reading quietly, your roommate might prefer listening to loud music. Establishing open communication with your roommate and other boarders will ensure that you are all comfortable in your shared space.

Stay in touch with home and friends: Scheduling time to contact your family and friends is vital. Keeping in touch with the people who make you feel cared for and listened to helps alleviate feelings of homesickness. Make it a habit to debrief about your day, share the good moments, and discuss any challenges. This connection keeps you grounded and supported.

Plan ahead for success: Creating a routine and planning ahead can significantly reduce anxiety. Keep track of assessment deadlines, school events, classroom locations, and your timetable. Knowing what lies ahead helps you stay organised and prepared, making the transition into the school term much smoother.

Prioritise self-care: Incorporate self-care into your daily routine. Everyone has different ways they feel rested and calm, whether it's socialising with friends or spending time alone, perhaps with an afternoon nap! Taking care of yourself is essential for navigating every other aspect of school and life effectively.

Be kind to yourself: Adapting to boarding school life can be challenging, whether it's your first time or you're returning for another year. Remember to be kind to yourself as you adjust to the new routines and environments. Patience and self-compassion will make this transition period much more manageable.

Starting a new year at boarding school can be daunting, but with these tips, you'll be well on your way to having a successful and enjoyable experience. Embrace the changes, communicate openly, stay organised, and, most importantly, take care of yourself. Here's to a fantastic year ahead!